Monday 2 September 2013

Dundas Harbour

Dundas Harbour and Croker Bay are side by side at the Eastern end of Devon Island, very close to the eastern end of Lancaster Sound.  Dundas is a historically important having been the site of an early RCMP post and having been founded around the same time as the permanent settlements at Pond Inlet and Arctic Bay. 

Natasha, Dundas Harbour / Lancaster Sound, Devon Island, Nunavut (photo C. Ryan)
Nick Peissel, Dundas Harbour, Nunavut (photo C. Ryan)
Abandoned RCMP station, Dundas Harbour (photo N. Peissel)
 The RCMP Station - Dundas Harbour (photos N. Peissel)
More views of Dundas Harbour (Natasha Ryan, Nick Peissel, Julie Quenneville), photo C. Ryan

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