Monday 2 September 2013

Photos Pond Inlet, Eclipse Sound, Ragged Island, Navy Board Inlet.

Natasha, Nick & Julie arriving in Pond Inlet Airport, Northern Baffin Island, Nunavut July 30th, 2013.  It was 25 degrees, sunny with no wind when we left Ottawa.  There were 50 km per hour winds, it was 4 degrees C and overcast when we arrived at Pond Inlet (photo C. Ryan)
Pond Inlet, July 31st 2013 (photo N. Peissel)
 Eclipse Sound at night in calm winds (photo N. Peissel)
Natasha at Ragged Island, Nunavut (photo C. Ryan)
Shore party Ragged Island (photo N. Peissel)
Entrance Rock, Tay Bay, Navy Board Inlet, Bylot Island, Nunavut (photo N. Peissel)

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