Monday 2 September 2013

More photos from the Eastern Arctic including monster iceberg

Here are some odds and ends from Eclipse Sound, Milne Inlet, Navy Board Inlet and Bylot Island.  We measured the iceberg photographed below with a GPS device and calculated that it contained roughly 1.5 billion liters (1.5 million cubic meters) of water.  How it got there is an interesting question as the Bylot and Devon glaciers don't calve icebergs that size.  If an expert is reading this, please comment on the source of such a monster. The consensus guess on board was that it came from the Kane basin and ran aground in Eclipse Sound after drifting a few hundred miles in Ocean currents.

Accidental Life Jacket Inflation (Pull to inflate means after you get in the water, not in the boat!) - Photo N. Peissel

Bylot Island from Navy Board Inlet (N.Peissel)

Hiking on Ragged Island (N. Peissel)

A friendly cockpit UNO game (N. Peissel)

CCGS Des Groseillers in Eclipse Sound (Bylot Island in background)

Iceberg in Eclipse Sound (N. Peissel)

Iceberg estimated at 1.5 million cubic meters (N. Peissel)

Colin in Navy Board Inlet (N. Peissel)

Acalephe in Tay Bay (N. Peissel)

Birds at Tay Bay, Bylot Island (N. Peissel)

Nick at Tay Bay (photo C. Ryan)

Colin & Natasha on the beach at Tay Bay, Bylot Island (photo N. Peissel

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